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Agreement on cooperation with the Health Insurance Fund was signed
Danas je potpisan Sporazum o saradnji između Unije udruženja poslodavaca RS i Fonda zdravstvenog osiguranja RS kojim se, između ostalog, jasnije definišu isplate refundacija neto plata radnika za vrijeme privremene [...]
Read the news in the Labor Law and the Income Tax Act
Banja Luka – Set zakona koji se odnose na povećanje plata u Republici Srpskoj objavljen je 17. jula 2018. godine u “Službenom glasniku Republike Srpske”. Radi se o zakonima koji su [...]
Tax free part of the plate increased to 500 KM
Banja Luka, 06. jul-Na incijativu Unije udruženja poslodavaca Republike Srpske Vlada Republike Srpske je pristupila izmjeni Zakona o porezu na dohodak (Službeni glasnik RS br:60/15 i 5/16) u članu 10. [...]
A meeting of the Government and social partners was held
U Banjaluci je danas održan sastanak Vlade Republike Srpske sa predstavnicima Unije udruženja poslodavaca, Privredne komore Republike Srpske i Saveza sindikata u vezi s najavljenim korekcijama Zakona o porezu na [...]
Other articles
17 years of existence of the Union of Employers’ Associations of Republic of Srpska
Banja Luka - On March 2, 2004, in Banja Luka, 13 branch employers' associations founded the Union [...]
Employers from Doboj have business challenges, but also perspective
Doboj - On Thursday, February 25, 2021, in the hotel "Integra" Doboj, a round table "Challenges and [...]
Sasa Acic: Digitalization of the economy is faster than digitalization of the administration
Banja Luka - Director of the Union of Employers of the Republic of Srpska, Sasa Acic, in [...]
Announcement: Round table for employers from Doboj on February 25
The third round table on the topic "Challenges and perspectives of business" will be held on Thursday, [...]