EISE project
Basic information about the project
The project “Contribution of civil society organizations to improving the impact of entrepreneurship on the socio-economic development of B&H – EISE project” will improve the strategic and legal framework of entrepreneurship in B&H. The project is funded by the European Union and has been implemented since January 1, 2021. to 31.12.2023. years on the territory of B&H. The main applicant is the Union of Employers’ Associations of Republic of Srpska, and the co-applicant is the Association of Employers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The focus is on three areas for intervention: entrepreneurial/employer education and training, as well as the removal of existing administrative barriers.
Long-term negative demographic trends, driven by poor natural growth, population aging, and the continuous increase in population migration to EU countries, have caused a dramatic decline in labor supply. Given the significant decline in industrial production and the announcement of sustainability problems in relation to global economic trends, the global recession caused by COVID 19, these trends are a serious temptation for future projections of social protection and economic growth sustainability and indicate the need to take a strategic approach to sustainability the entire B&H system. The problem of employee migration is related to economic motives, but also to political instability in the country. By reducing the burden on the economy (fiscal and parafiscal), employers could redirect those funds to worker income growth. However, the general sense of security and prospects of society also largely depend on the level of rule of law and political stability, which currently, given the outflow of employees and entrepreneurs, is not at a level that allows economic growth and community development.
Addressing the main problem of employers, the project approach aims to consolidate internal forces and resources in order to revitalize entrepreneurial flows in the local economy. For this reason, the project should be seen as a reformist, as it affects key elements of the system. In line with the above, the overall goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations of entrepreneurs and employers to contribute to social and economic development in the entrepreneurship sector in B&H by creating a favorable environment through economic and social reform.
Networking and strengthening of the capacities and competencies of employers’ associations are expected in order to increase the impact of advocacy on the improvement of entrepreneurial policies, rules, and strategies.
Expected project achievements
- Networked and strengthened capacities of 20 associations of entrepreneurs and employers to advocate, analyze and create public policies and conduct a social dialogue with decision-makers in the field of economic development and entrepreneurship in accordance with EU integration and standards through economic and social reform;
- Developed and improved legal, strategic, and institutional framework in the field of reducing fiscal and parafiscal burdens;
- Developed and improved legal and institutional framework in the field of indirect taxes at the B&H level;
- Improved planning and enrollment policies in education in line with the needs of employers;
- Attitudes and awareness of the role and importance of economic development and entrepreneurship in the process of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accession to the European Union.
Information about the EISE project, but also about other projects funded by the European Union through the Civil Society Facility and Media Program for Bosnia and Herzegovina can be found on the website euresurs.ba.